Our Mission


We promote Latino/Hispanic achievements and preparation for local, state, national and global competitiveness by fostering excellence and ensuring equal access to all aspects of Pennsylvania’s shared prosperity and responsibility.

Pennsylvania Latino Convention is the most comprehensive event covering all aspects of Latino life community, and policy across the Commonwealth. A meeting of the state’s movers and shakers, advocates, strategists, leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, builders and experts, dreamers, game changers, trailblazers, influencers and legends. The convention is open to everyone!  

The Pennsylvania Latino Convention is transformative and intentional for Latinos and non-Latinos, it is designed to empower, educate and celebrate our communities. We encourage all Pennsylvanians to attend and participate in the many professional and leadership development opportunities as well as to learn about the issues impacting communities across the state; find collaborative efforts; and, be engaged in data/research/policy work to advance the social, educational, political and economic status of Pennsylvania’s Latino population.

Read More About Latinos in Pennsylvania:
A Turning Point for the Building of a Statewide Equity Agenda