Join Us at the 7th Annual Pennsylvania
Latino Convention!


October 6-8, 2024
Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown

Covering All Aspects of Latino Life, Community,
Policy and Agenda.


Our heritage shapes us


Join us this fall to discuss the Latino agenda in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of the United States. Our Latino communities have made significant contributions to our nation, rooted in hard work, pride, community, and compassion. Our heritage has contributed to the richness of American society and influenced areas like business, politics, education, sports, labor, and entertainment. There is no doubt that we have made a profound impact in our history and in the growth of the U.S. economy. Latinos in the U.S. have the fifth-largest GDP in the world, propelling the national economy forward. We are shaping the future of this great Nation.

Pennsylvania’s Latino community is the fastest-growing segment of the population, accounting for more than fifty percent of the state’s population growth in the last two decades. Today, there are more than 1 million Latinos in the state.  The PA Latino Convention is the call to action for a data-driven, policy-driven, research-driven agenda in health, education, the economy, social justice, entrepreneurship, leadership development, workforce, equity, inclusion, and civic engagement. 



Our Mission


We promote Latino/Hispanic achievements and preparation for local, state, national and global competitiveness by fostering excellence and ensuring equal access to all aspects of Pennsylvania’s shared prosperity and responsibility.

Pennsylvania Latino Convention is the most comprehensive event covering all aspects of Latino life community, and policy across the Commonwealth. A meeting of the state’s movers and shakers, advocates, strategists, leaders, professionals, entrepreneurs, builders and experts, dreamers, game changers, trailblazers, influencers and legends. The convention is open to everyone!  

The Pennsylvania Latino Convention is transformative and intentional for Latinos and non-Latinos, it is designed to empower, educate and celebrate our communities. We encourage all Pennsylvanians to attend and participate in the many professional and leadership development opportunities as well as to learn about the issues impacting communities across the state; find collaborative efforts; and, be engaged in data/research/policy work to advance the social, educational, political and economic status of Pennsylvania’s Latino population.

Read More About Latinos in Pennsylvania:
A Turning Point for the Building of a Statewide Equity Agenda



We honor the strength of our country and our communities

Historic changes in demographics

1,049,615 Latinos in Pennsylvania (Census 2020); Latinos are reaching 1.1 million in Pennsylvania – making it the fastest growing ethnic group.

222 Latino Corridor: Corazón de la Comunidad

The 222 Corridor gets its name from route 222.  For the Latino community, it is more than that.  The regions of Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Lancaster, Lebanon, York, Harrisburg and Gettysburg and its surroundings are home to more than fifty-percent of the state’s total Latino population.  Confidently we can say, as of today, that the 222 Corridor is the heart of the Latino community – el corazón de la comunidad.

6 out of the top 8 cities in Pennsylvania with largest Latino population are located in the 222 Latino Corridor.  The school districts of Reading, Allentown, Lancaster, Lebanon have majority Latino student population – Reading surpassing 80%, Allentown and Lancaster more than 60%.

Hosting the annual Pennsylvania Latino Convention in the 222 Latino Corridor is a reaffirmation of this unprecedented growth and the opportunities to cementing a statewide Latino agenda impacting Latinos in all of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.  The corazón Latino is pounding hard in our commonwealth.



The Hispanic market is the largest minority market in the U.S. and continues to expand in all aspects of the American economy. Hispanic/Latino spending power grew to $1.9 trillion in 2020, a remarkable increase of 87% from 2010. Last year, more than 32 million Latinos were eligible to vote – making Latinos the largest ethnic voting bloc for the first time. Partner with us to expand your outreach.


Latino Presence in Pennsylvania

top 10 MUnicipalities in pennsylvania with latino population:

Toughkenamon, PA • Avondale, PA • Reading, PA • Westland, PA • Kennet Square, PA • York Springs, PA • West Hazelton, PA • Hazleton, PA • Allentown, PA • Lancaster, PA

top 8 cities with largest latino population (percentage)

Reading, PA • Hazleton, PA • Allentown, PA • Lebanon, PA • Lancaster, PA • Kennett Square, PA • York, PA • Bethlehem, PA • Philadelphia, PA (the largest number)

Total latinos in the state of pennsylvania

According to Census 2020, the State of Pennsylvania is home to 1,049,615 Latinos.


Join Our PA Latina Women Leadership Network

Be connected to a greater support system of mentors, including dynamic businesswomen, transformative changemakers, and visionary leaders, as well as inspiring mamás, supportive hermanas, caring tías, and wise abuelas — we are the heart of our communities, a vital backbone of our Latino community's power. 

The PA Latino Convention is action-driven and has a long history of empowering Latinas, creating impactful results for our diverse populations, and connecting our communities to greater opportunities in the Commonwealth.